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I mentioned the band to a couple of the artists playing the festival as well as a few promoters, a conversation developed regarding appalling band names – bands complaining to promoters that they hadn’t been able to secure any gigs, bands wondering why their local store wouldn’t display their latest release in the front window the usual and more well know suspects were recalled Anal Cunt, Anal Beard, Raped, Rapeman, Cripples With Cancer etc all of which led to the idea of a Top 50 of The Worst Band Names Ever – however the fact that we are discussing some of these bands would suggest that whilst they weren’t in the best of taste, they certainly got the band noticed, and therefore may not quite qualify for the ‘Worst’ category…

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Prior to the recent Rebellion Festival I was wandering the streets of Amsterdam and found a rather fine second hand record store near to The Royal Opera House, amongst the racks I saw and bought a CD by a band called Bumsnogger entitled “and destroy all those that came before us” which featured such gems as ‘Dutch Fisting’, ‘Being Fucked Over’ and ‘Murdering The Homeless’ – band name and title tracks providing all the reason I needed for buying it.

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